Prize Donors
Donateurs de prix
A special thanks to the following businesses that contributed to the 1st Annual Montreal Special Needs Fair:
Merci les entreprises suivantes qui ont contribué à la 1ère salon annuel de Montréal pour personnes a besoins spéciaux:
Unique Foods
TFH Canada
Joel Yanofsky-Bad Animals
The Big Blue Hug
Shoshanah Ruttner Photography
Pat's Pet Show
Access 2 Card
Exposants 2011
2011 Exhibitors
ASD Healing
ASD Montreal
Assante Wealth Management
Bartimaeus Inc
Becoming Butterflies
Buds In Bloom
Cindy Coady RDI consultant
Coco's Place/The Little Red Playhouse
Coopérative de solidarité Espace-Temps
Discovery Toys
Fondation Mira
Grace Mackell, Certified Music Therapist
Inspirations Newspaper
Island Hyperbaric Centre
John Grant High School
Kids Butterfly Yoga
La Fondation Place Coco
La Maison André Viger
LDAQ Montréal
Lucky Harvest Therapeutic Riding Center
Mat Boule – Osteopath and Posturologist
Miriam Foundation
Microcomputer Science Centre
Montreal Homeopaths
Montreal Oral School for the Deaf
Office des personnes handicapées du Québec
Peter Hall School
TFH Canada
The Big Blue Hug
The Donald Berman Yaldei Developmental Center
The Montreal Holistic Centre
Vues et Voix
We Care Step
Donateurs de aliments
Food Donors
Thank you to Glutino Foods, Unique Foods and Cheecha Puffs for your generous donations.
Merci à les Aliments Glutino, les Aliments Uniques Foods et Cheecha Puffs pour vos dons généreuses.
A very special thank you to Shoshanah Ruttner Photography for capturing the event.
Un très spécial merci à Shoshanah Ruttner photographie pour prendre les photos pour l'événement.